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Free SEO Tools


Below are a list of quick online tools that you may use on a regular basis. We have saved you the time scouring the site and put all the links for the resources on one page.


Search engine optimisation tools can vary on what you need them for. Since online marketing has changed so much over the last decade, there are new tools being lreleased on the market everyday. Ideally they can be categorised into the following sections since this will more or less be your SEO process.


Keyword Research

Keyword research is possibly the most important part of the entirSEO process. Get this wrong and you can end up never ranking for terms that are too competitive. Add to this, you will have spent time and money which you could have easily spent on 'better' terms. In order to ensure that your process is as smooth and as refined as possible there are many keyword research tools that we have come across. Best of all some have FREE features.


Market Samurai
One of the most popular keyword research tools available out there. Although this is a commercial programme, the research part is free and boy do we love it. It allows you to analyse the top 10 competition by looking at PR, backlinks, age of domain, links in to the URL, links in to the domain and more. This part is probably the most important part of the


Directory Submission


Directory submissions used to be a VERY powerful method in marketing your site and getting backlinks in. This was very 2007 and since then search engines like Google have reduced their weighting in terms of their importance. However, we still think that if you diversify and spread your linking strategy across a wide variety of platforms, it all helps.


There are some very good tools out there that can help you automate these tasks although we would suggest that you use these tools cautiously so it does not look like you are spamming the search engines. Use with caution. Remember, Google, Bing, Yahoo are your friends, not yoru enemy.


digiXMAS Directory Submitter

This one has been around for several years and Tuan (the owner) consistently updates the tools. You can add your URL, description, categories and then submit to thousands of directories. What we like is the fact that you can add your own spintax so that each submission can be unique. The free version allows you to submit to all the PR0 sites and there are hundreds of these. For a small fee, you can submit your URL to all the high PR directories as well. (Recommended)


Ranking Checkers

Backlink Checkers


Article Marketing


Some people think that article marketing is the holy grail on internet marketing. Not only can you attain quality backlinks from a variety of sources for SEO purposes, but you can also acquire targeted traffic.


There are many ways to carry out article marketing, some of these tools will allow you to post to various directories and most will allow you to spin the content so it can be considered unique.


The general rule of thumb with article spinning is to ensure that each paragraph is rewritten three times and then each sentence is respun.


We must say though, if you have the resources, unique content is almost always better and you will tend to find that it may help your SEO efforts a little better.


digiXMAS Article Submitter 

Just like the directory submitter, the article marketing submitter allows you to create infinite unique articles and submit them to thousands of directories. You can use spintax to ensure that there is a level of uniqueness and can add as many titles, body and content as you want. (Recommended)


Link Building Tools

Social Bookmarking



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Meta Tags Optimization
Enter Keyword/Phrase:
Enter your URL:
Enter comparison URL: (optional)
Access code:                            
Enter the access code as seen above: (case sensitive)

Results are collected LIVE from the Internet
Powered by SearchBliss

Google™ Backward Links Check
Checking back links on Google and 9 Data Centers
Enter a URL: http://
Results are collected LIVE from the Internet
Powered by SearchBliss

Link Popularity Check
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Access code:                          
Enter the access code as seen above: (case sensitive)

Results are collected LIVE from the Internet
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Search Engine Saturation Check
Enter your URL: http:// (ex:
Access code:                          
Enter the access code as seen above: (Code is case sensitive)

Results are collected LIVE from the Internet
Powered by SearchBliss

Keyword Verification Check
Enter Keyword/Phrase:
Enter your URL: http://
Access code:                          
Enter the access code as seen above: (case sensitive)

Results are collected LIVE from the Internet
Powered by SearchBliss

Alexa® Rank Tool
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Keyword Density Analyzer





Webmaster Tools


PageRank Prediction Tool


Link Popularity


Google Keyword Suggestion Tool


Keyword Density Checker / Analyser


Visual Pagerank


Meta Tag Analyser


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